Sources of Strength
We are excited to announce a new student group that we have formed this year! Sources of Strength is a student-led group who teach others about the "sources of strength" in the wheel image above. Students will campaign during the year to teach peers about hope, help, and strength. This evidence based program is being implemented by many schools across the state and country and is now an opportunity to Wrightstown School through the support of a WI DPI grant. Sources of Strength is a best practice youth suicide prevention project designed to harness the power of peer social networks to teach others about "sources of strength" (protective factors) so that when times get hard, they have strengths to rely on. These sources are: positive friends, mentors, healthy activities, generosity, spirituality, medical access, mental health, and family support. For more information about this program that Wrightstown is starting, please check out the following website:
Check out the video from our 1st Annual Sources of Strength of Color Run. Thank you to Aidan Sauberlich for creating it!